Sunday, June 26, 2022

Making unwinding through JIT-ed code scalable - The b-tree

This article is part of the series about scalable unwinding that starts here.

We use a b-tree because it offers fast lookup, good data locality, and a scalable implementation is reasonable easy when using optimistic lock coupling. Nevertheless a b-tree is a non-trivial data structure. To avoid having one huge article that includes all details of the b-tree, we just discuss the data structure themselves and some helper functions here, the insert/remove/lookup operations will be discussed in the next article.

A b-tree partitions its elements by value. An inner node contains a sorted list of separator/child pairs, with the guarantee that the elements in the sub-tree rooted at the child pointer will be <= the separator. The leaf nodes contains sorted lists of (base, size, object) entries, where the object is responsible for unwinding entries between base and base+size.  An b-tree maintains the invariants that 1) all nodes except the root are at least half full, and 2) a leaf nodes have the same distance to the root. This guarantees us logarithmic lookup costs. Note that we use fence-keys, i.e., the inner nodes have a separator for the right-most entries, too, which is not the case in all b-tree implementations:

// The largest possible separator value
static const uintptr_t max_separator = ~((uintptr_t) (0));

// Inner entry. The child tree contains all entries <= separator
struct inner_entry
  uintptr_t separator;
  struct btree_node *child;

// Leaf entry. Stores an object entry
struct leaf_entry
  uintptr_t base, size;
  struct object *ob;

// node types
enum node_type

// Node sizes. Chosen such that the result size is roughly 256 bytes
#define max_fanout_inner 15
#define max_fanout_leaf 10

// A btree node
struct btree_node
  // The version lock used for optimistic lock coupling
  struct version_lock version_lock;
  // The number of entries
  unsigned entry_count;
  // The type
  enum node_type type;
  // The payload
    // The inner nodes have fence keys, i.e., the right-most entry includes a
    // separator
    struct inner_entry children[max_fanout_inner];
    struct leaf_entry entries[max_fanout_leaf];
  } content;

To simplify the subsequent code we define a number of helper functions that are largely straight-forward, and that allow to distinguish leaf and inner node and provide searching within a node. The lock operations directly map to operations on the version lock:

// Is an inner node?
static inline bool
btree_node_is_inner (const struct btree_node *n)
  return n->type == btree_node_inner;

// Is a leaf node?
static inline bool
btree_node_is_leaf (const struct btree_node *n)
  return n->type == btree_node_leaf;

// Should the node be merged?
static inline bool
btree_node_needs_merge (const struct btree_node *n)
  return n->entry_count < (btree_node_is_inner (n) ? (max_fanout_inner / 2)
						   : (max_fanout_leaf / 2));

// Get the fence key for inner nodes
static inline uintptr_t
btree_node_get_fence_key (const struct btree_node *n)
  // For inner nodes we just return our right-most entry
  return n->content.children[n->entry_count - 1].separator;

// Find the position for a slot in an inner node
static unsigned
btree_node_find_inner_slot (const struct btree_node *n, uintptr_t value)
  for (unsigned index = 0, ec = n->entry_count; index != ec; ++index)
    if (n->content.children[index].separator >= value)
      return index;
  return n->entry_count;

// Find the position for a slot in a leaf node
static unsigned
btree_node_find_leaf_slot (const struct btree_node *n, uintptr_t value)
  for (unsigned index = 0, ec = n->entry_count; index != ec; ++index)
    if (n->content.entries[index].base + n->content.entries[index].size > value)
      return index;
  return n->entry_count;

// Try to lock the node exclusive
static inline bool
btree_node_try_lock_exclusive (struct btree_node *n)
  return version_lock_try_lock_exclusive (&(n->version_lock));

// Lock the node exclusive, blocking as needed
static inline void
btree_node_lock_exclusive (struct btree_node *n)
  version_lock_lock_exclusive (&(n->version_lock));

// Release a locked node and increase the version lock
static inline void
btree_node_unlock_exclusive (struct btree_node *n)
  version_lock_unlock_exclusive (&(n->version_lock));

// Acquire an optimistic "lock". Note that this does not lock at all, it
// only allows for validation later
static inline bool
btree_node_lock_optimistic (const struct btree_node *n, uintptr_t *lock)
  return version_lock_lock_optimistic (&(n->version_lock), lock);

// Validate a previously acquire lock
static inline bool
btree_node_validate (const struct btree_node *n, uintptr_t lock)
  return version_lock_validate (&(n->version_lock), lock);

With that we come to the b-tree itself, which consists of a pointer to the root node, a version lock to protect the root, and a free list:

// A btree. Suitable for static initialization, all members are zero at the
// beginning
struct btree
  // The root of the btree
  struct btree_node *root;
  // The free list of released node
  struct btree_node *free_list;
  // The version lock used to protect the root
  struct version_lock root_lock;

// Initialize a btree. Not actually used, just for exposition
static inline void
btree_init (struct btree *t)
  t->root = NULL;
  t->free_list = NULL;
  t->root_lock.version_lock = 0;

We need that free list because readers operate without visible synchronization. If we would simply free() a node, we would risk that a concurrent reader is still looking at that node, even though no relevant data exist on that node. (But the reader does not know this until it did the read). To prevent that, we put freed nodes in the free list, which ensures that the memory location remains valid, and prefer using nodes from the free list when allocating new nodes:

// Allocate a node. This node will be returned in locked exclusive state
static struct btree_node *
btree_allocate_node (struct btree *t, bool inner)
  while (true)
      // Try the free list first
      struct btree_node *next_free
	= __atomic_load_n (&(t->free_list), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
      if (next_free)
	  if (!btree_node_try_lock_exclusive (next_free))
	  // The node might no longer be free, check that again after acquiring
	  // the exclusive lock
	  if (next_free->type == btree_node_free)
	      struct btree_node *ex = next_free;
	      if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n (
		    &(t->free_list), &ex, next_free->content.children[0].child,
		    false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
		  next_free->entry_count = 0;
		  next_free->type = inner ? btree_node_inner : btree_node_leaf;
		  return next_free;
	  btree_node_unlock_exclusive (next_free);

      // No free node available, allocate a new one
      struct btree_node *new_node
	= (struct btree_node *) (malloc (sizeof (struct btree_node)));
      version_lock_initialize_locked_exclusive (
	&(new_node->version_lock)); // initialize the node in locked state
      new_node->entry_count = 0;
      new_node->type = inner ? btree_node_inner : btree_node_leaf;
      return new_node;

// Release a node. This node must be currently locked exclusively and will
// be placed in the free list
static void
btree_release_node (struct btree *t, struct btree_node *node)
  // We cannot release the memory immediately because there might still be
  // concurrent readers on that node. Put it in the free list instead
  node->type = btree_node_free;
  struct btree_node *next_free
    = __atomic_load_n (&(t->free_list), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
      node->content.children[0].child = next_free;
  } while (!__atomic_compare_exchange_n (&(t->free_list), &next_free, node,
					 false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST,
  btree_node_unlock_exclusive (node);

The last remaining infrastructure code is destroying the b-tree. Here, we simply walk the tree recursively and release all nodes. The recursion is safe because the depth is bound logarithmic:

// Recursively release a tree. The btree is by design very shallow, thus
// we can risk recursion here
static void
btree_release_tree_recursively (struct btree *t, struct btree_node *node)
  btree_node_lock_exclusive (node);
  if (btree_node_is_inner (node))
      for (unsigned index = 0; index < node->entry_count; ++index)
	btree_release_tree_recursively (t, node->content.children[index].child);
  btree_release_node (t, node);

// Destroy a tree and release all nodes
static void
btree_destroy (struct btree *t)
  // Disable the mechanism before cleaning up
  struct btree_node *old_root
    = __atomic_exchange_n (&(t->root), NULL, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
  if (old_root)
    btree_release_tree_recursively (t, old_root);

  // Release all free nodes
  while (t->free_list)
      struct btree_node *next = t->free_list->content.children[0].child;
      free (t->free_list);
      t->free_list = next;

This finished the infrastructure part of the b-tree, the high-level insert/remove/lookup functions are covered in the next article .

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